Guru Good To Know

Networking Gurus meets every Monday from 11:45 - 1:00pm.  Most people arrive around 11:30 for networking and to get lunch served before the start of the meeting.  Typical meetings begin with officers' reports, general announcements and the presentation of each group member's 60 second commercial.  Each week, two members prepare 10 minute presentations on their companies for the group.

Passing Referrals

When you have a lead or referral, you write it on referral slips that are on the tables.  A referral is when you know someone is interested in the service or product and you have mentioned the person’s name who is receiving the referral slip or have helped to set up a meeting/phone call with your referral.  A lead is when you think someone will be interested, but you have not necessarily discussed it with them.

  • White slip – Give to the person receiving the referral
  • Pink slip – Keep for your records
  • Yellow slip – Pass to the leadership team



Your continued presence and active participation are essential for the success of the Networking Gurus.  You may send a substitute, such as a co-worker, fellow GMA member, friend, relative or client to represent you and your business without loss of attendance.  However, a Networking Gurus member must not exceed sending a substitute for three meetings per quarter.

More than three absences per calendar quarter will result in a loss of Networking Gurus membership.  A $30 fee will be required within one week after the fourth absence to reinstate a member who is otherwise in good standing.  If not paid within that week, the position within the group will be forfeited.  If any additional absences occur within the quarter, the position in the group will automatically be forfeited.  The member must apply for reinstatement to be a member of the group, be approved by 2/3 of the group membership and pay a $50 fee within five days before the position is completely forfeited.


Each week, a roster of members is distributed by email, along with important information about the group’s schedule, presentations, etc.   The roster contains information on number of leads/referrals passed, one-one-one meetings, attendance, and dues paid to date.


You may send a substitute, such as a co-worker, fellow GMA member, friend, relative or client to represent you and your business without loss of attendance.  However, a Networking Gurus member must not exceed sending a substitute for three meetings per quarter.

10 minute presentation

Every 6 months or so, you have the opportunity to do a 10 minute presentation in front of the group. You are responsible for all aspects of your presentation.  A projector and desktop computer are available for use during your presentation.  You sign up to do a presentation on a presentation schedule that is passed around at the beginning of each meeting.  When you do a presentation, you are required to bring a door prize of approximately $20 in value.  Your door prize will be awarded to one person who passed a referral that particular meeting.


One-on-Ones are when you meet with another member outside of our regularly scheduled meeting to make more personal connections and expand opportunities to give and receive referrals.  Although one-on-ones can be done over coffee or lunch, we also encourage you to visit each other’s places of business so you can learn even more about how your fellow members work.  You may turn in your one-on-one meetings on the referral slips at each meeting.

Cell Phone Policy

Please turn your phone off or on vibrate. If you must take a call, please leave the room discretely to do so.

Inclement Weather Policy

If Guilford County schools are closed on a Monday for weather, then the Gurus will not meet.  If schools are delayed, the Gurus will meet as scheduled.

Inviting Prospective Members

Prospective members/guests are welcome to attend a Gurus meeting.  Prospective members may attend up to two meetings.  When inviting guests, please be sensitive to category conflicts with current members.


You are welcome to park in one of the 7 VISITOR spaces in the GMA front parking lot, first come, first served.  Otherwise, you may park in the metered spaces on Commerce Place for .75 cents per hour.  Please be careful not to park in the spaces marked RESERVED in parking lots and along Commerce Place.